An Arizona woman who fell to her death from the Mickey & Friends parking structure has been identified as Marney Schoenfeld by the Orange County Coroner's office.
Trigger warning: This article contains mentions of suicide. Readers' discretion is advised.
On Saturday, February 18, 2023, Marney Schoenfeld, a 46-year-old hairstylist from Scottsdale, Arizona, was found dead after falling from the Anaheim theme park resort in California.
Authorities investigating the case have not yet determined if Schoenfeld jumped or accidentally fell from the building but have purported that the death was most likely a suicide.
As per MSN, in a statement. Anaheim police Sgt. Jonathan McClintock said:
“Like all death investigations, the cause and manner of death will be pending the conclusion of the investigations being completed by the Anaheim PD and the Orange County Coroner’s Office.”Marney Schoenfeld worked as a hairstylist for twenty-three years
In an emotional statement following the death of Marney Schoenfeld, her husband, Arizona real estate agent Randy Schoenfeld, revealed that his wife, who has a daughter, worked as a hairstylist for 23 years.
Schoenfeld's Linkedin page stated that she graduated from the University of Ohio in 1998 and enrolled in a cosmetology school, Scoot Cole Academy/ Toni&guy Academy, in 2002, where she learned to be a hairstylist.
Schoenfeld began working as a hairstylist in several salons, including the Jo Paris Salon in Scottsdale, Arizona, before opening her own business, Marney Curley, in 2017.
Devastated by the loss of his wife, Randy Schoenfeld, in an emailed statement to the San Jose Mercury News, said:
"She was a loving mother to her daughter, Sydney. She was a caring wife to me. She was a talented hairstylist of 23 years and her clients loved her."Authorities disclose additional details about the death of Marney Schoenfeld
While authorities have yet to disclose the motive behind the death, they said that officers responded at 6.50 pm on Saturday to the Mickey & Friends parking structure, where they found the victim sprawled on the ground. Marney Schoenfeld was then rushed to a hospital, where she was pronounced dead.
According to multiple reports, the Mickey & Friends seven-storey parking structure, the largest in Disney World, has seen its fair share of deaths since opening its doors in 2000.
The Los Angeles Times reported that in December 2022, a man in his 50s died after falling from a parking structure. Authorities deemed this incident a suicide. The outlet said that between 2010 and 2016, at least three men died after falling from the parking structure.
While investigators continue to explore the circumstances behind Schoenfeld's death, they have asked people with any information to contact Anaheim police.
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