Seth Meyers Unloads on Psychotic Maria Bartiromo for Baselessly Accusing Hunter Biden of Child

On Monday night, a clearly-fired-up Seth Meyers dedicated the latest edition of his “A Closer Look” segment to Trump’s desperation moves of the past week-plus—namely, trying to distract from the godawful way he’s handled the COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed 220,000 American lives and counting, by redirecting the focus to his opponent’s son, Hunter Biden.

“Trump and the GOP clearly do not care how many Americans die of this disease. They’re more upset about Facebook and Twitter not letting them spread obvious bullshit about a New York Post story even the Post’s own reporters didn’t want to put their names on,” the Late Night host explained.

Indeed, as The New York Times reported on Monday, two reporters who worked on the piece refused to have their names printed along with it due to “concerns over the article’s credibility”; the eventual byline, meanwhile, went to Emma-Jo Morris, a former Hannity producer with no bylines at the Post, and Gabrielle Fonrouge, a Post reporter who “had little to do with the reporting or writing of the article” and only learned she’d received a byline on it after the piece was published.

The only sources for the piece were Trump operatives Rudy Giuliani and Steve Bannon, and the Feds are currently investigating whether the alleged emails are linked to a foreign intel operation. If that weren’t enough, the piece was so sketchy that even Fox News passed on running it.

But major doubts over both the source of the information, the information itself, and how it was obtained haven’t stopped some Trump loyalists from forming nutty conspiracy theories about Joe Biden’s son.

“This weekend, two of his most obsequious toadies floated a psychotic and vile charge against Hunter Biden,” offered Meyers, referring to Fox News host Maria Bartiromo and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI).

On her program, Bartiromo baselessly alleged that Hunter Biden may have had “child pornography” on his laptop, while Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) gave credence to the conspiracy theory in replying, “This is what the FBI has to come clean about.”

“These rotten, soulless husks are just doing pizzagate all over again—and they didn’t even add any new details,” said Meyers. “They just did a search-and-replace with ‘Hunter Biden’ in for ‘Hillary Clinton.’ I mean, at least punch it up a little bit! Come on, it’s Season 4! Add in an evil twin or a talking cat.”

“And you know, everyone’s focused on Wisconsin cheese turd Ron Johnson here, and rightly so, but let’s not forget Maria Bartiromo, who is also a true crazy person—and you can just tell from the way she talks,” he continued. “She’s got that vibe of an aunt who spends all her time reading about alien autopsies on internet message boards. They’re hiding the bodies at Fort Knox! I’d say that Fox should fire Bartiromo for spreading such a baseless and grotesque claim but then Fox would still hire the replacement, so it’s not like it would be better.”
