Honkai Star Rail features a cohesive story despite being a free-to-play game. Various activities in the form of main missions called Trailblazer quests progress the story. One of the missions you will encounter is the Trailblazer quest named Ones Fallen Into The Abyss, which involves finding the mine cart parts by resorting to a Home-Use Object Finder.
It gets equipped automatically and is signified by a symbol on the bottom right of your screen. You can use the R button on your keyboard if playing on PC or press the aforementioned symbol if playing on mobile to use the Home-Use Object Finder in Honkai Star Rail.
Acquiring all mine cart parts in Honkai Star Rail
Honkai Star Rail presents its world through various zones across hub locations like the planet called Jarilo-VI. The story mission, called Ones Fallen Into The Abyss, unravels on this planet. Once you reach the section involving finding mine carts, the Home-Use Object Finder gets automatically equipped. However, you must deploy it manually using the buttons mentioned earlier.
The Home-Use Object Finder is a small flying drone emitting red or green light. The green light indicates that the target part is in your vicinity, whereas the red light signifies that the part is slightly farther from your position.
There will be instances wherein it won't emit light, denoting that the part is significantly further away from its deployment point. The Home-Use Object Finder’s repeated dialogs may bother you, so you can lower the volume for this mission section if you wish.
There are two mine cart parts that you need to find to proceed with the mission: Mine Cart Pin and Mine Cart Wheelset. The first part (Mine Cart Pin) can be found atop a cliff in the north within the mine. There is a small area to the right side of the tracks wherein you can deploy the Home-Use Object Finder to pinpoint the exact location of the Mine Cart Pin.
Follow the tracks straight ahead and come across the second part beside the Calyx mission. You will reach a wooden crate with gold stacked onto it, which is the spot where you can deploy the object finder to acquire the final part, the Mine Cart Wheelset.
You must then return and repair the mine cart to proceed and continue deeper into the mines to find Oleg. Feel free to push the mine cart by pressing F.
Despite strongly resembling Genshin Impact in terms of art style, Honkai Star Rail features a turn-based combat system and an increased focus on characters’ abilities and stats.
You can explore this list of the five best 4-star characters in Honkai Star Rail to get an idea of the strengths and unique abilities each of them brings to the battle.
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