Some trainers in Pokemon Legends: Arceus have likely noticed that the moon changes phases in-game but may not have considered what use it may have past being pleasant to look at.
In Pokemon Legends: Arceus, moon phases do have a particular use, or specifically, a full moon does. A full moon is required for evolving Ursaring into Ursaluna. Furthermore, Request 67: The Clefairy's Moonlit Dance also requires players to carry out their investigation during a full moon. But how does a player bring about a full moon in Pokemon Legends: Arceus? How does time work in the game exactly? And how does it relate to the moon's phases?
How to advance the moon phases in Pokemon Legends: Arceus?
One might think it's challenging to change the phase of the moon in Pokemon Legends: Arceus, but the process is actually quite simple. The players have to keep snoozing till they reach their desired moon phase. For most players, that means a full moon.
The easiest way to spot a full moon is to simply head out into the field and go to your bed at camp. Continuously sleep "until nightfall," checking between rests to see what phase the moon is currently in. After sleeping a few times, you should be able to spot the full moon you're looking for and then can carry on accordingly.
There is one little caveat that can sometimes present itself. Sometimes, the weather in the region can partially obscure the moon due to clouds, which may disrupt things.
If this happens, players will want to change regions and restart the process. This won't work at Jubilife Village either, as the town technically doesn't allow time to pass while the player is there; it simply adopts whatever time the player last experienced when they left the field. However, this task isn't too tough. Simply keep sleeping and checking the phase of the moon. Soon enough, that evolved Ursaluna or request completion will be within reach.
How Pokemon continues to evolve as a franchise?
Using the specific full moon phase was an interesting route for Pokemon Legends: Arceus to take. In previous titles of the franchise, trainers could evolve Pokemon depending on the time of day, but the moon itself didn't necessarily have a role to play.
This utility of the moon is one of the new features introduced in Pokemon Legends, which is an upside for Game Freak and The Pokemon Company.
This title has proven that the longtime Pokemon developers have become more comfortable going beyond the franchise's traditional gameplay and attempting to break new ground with new titles.
Fans have already seen Pokemon Legends' influence in the future releases of Pokemon: Scarlet and Violet, so who knows what else is in store for Pokemon fans as the franchise continues to evolve.
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