Cirstea news: "This is so disgusting; rot in hell"

Sorana Cirstea has been criticized by tennis fans following the Romanian's call to endorse conventional human values and seemingly disregard LGBTQI+ rights in the process.

The Romanian hasn't had much luck delivering good results this grasscourt season. Her sole win came at Birmingham, where she ousted Magdelena Frech.

In her last competition Cirstea suffered an early exit, at the Viking International Eastbourne tournament. Despite dragging the battle to three sets, Cirstea succumbed to Ana Bogdan in the Round of 32 with a scoreline of 3-6, 6-2, 3-6.

To add to her disappointing performances, the Romanian has now been condemned for making a post that fans believe is an attack on the LGBTQI+ community. Cirstea's social media post suggested people resort to their traditional instincts; that men remained 'masculine' and women, 'feminine.'

One fan wasn't in favor of the interpretation offered by her story and presented this as a "legitimate" reason to hate her.

"Nah This is so disgusting, now legitimate reason to hate her. Whatever that means make children innocent again??? Rot in hell."

Another fan questioned whether the reason behind the Romanian's actions was that she is homophobic.

"Is she homophobe?"

Another fan humorously pointed out the irony of the situation and accused the Romanian of exercising internalized misogyny.

"The irony, of course, is that the maker of meme would likely question Cirstea’s femininity — being a muscular woman athlete who deigns to pursue a career outside the home and all. Wild how often transphobia goes hand in hand with internalized misogyny."

Here are some more reactions by tennis fans:

Sorana Cirstea is scheduled to appear at the 2023 Wimbledon Championships

Sorana Cirstea

Sorana Cirstea is all set to perform in the third Slam of the season, Wimbledon, and is scheduled to go up against Tatjana Maria in the Round of 128. The World No. 36 is favored to win the match despite having a 0-1 head-to-head record against the German.

Sorana Cirstea lost to Maria in the 2022 edition of the Championships. She was sent packing by the latter with a scoreline of 6-3, 1-6, 7-5 in the second round.

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