Charges against Jada Harris and Shy'Tiona Bishop explored as duo get hate for abusing elderly woman

Two healthcare workers, Jada Harris and Shy'Tiona Bishop, were arrested after they live-streamed themselves abusing an elderly patient with dementia in their care. The incident occurred at Market Street Memory Care in Brevard County, Florida, on Monday, April 3, 2023.

According to the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office, the two accused shared four such video clips on Snapchat. In a video posted on YouTube, Sheriff Wayne Ivey expressed his horror at the incident and stated:

"They actually put it up on a live-streamed platform so that their friends could watch it, laugh about it, as they mocked this elderly person in her condition."
Sheriff Ivey (Image via YouTube/@Brevard Sheriff)

As per the information in the arrest affidavit, the elderly woman has been a resident at the facility since August 2022 and is under care for dementia, diabetes, and fibromyalgia. A staff member at the senior care facility noted that she "seemed distressed" a day after the live-stream.

Both Jada Harris and Shy'Tiona Bishop were fired immediately after the news broke and now face multiple charges.

While Shy'Tiona Bishop, 20, faces charges of video voyeurism, and abuse and neglect of an elderly or disabled adult. 18-year-old Jada Harris was arrested on charges of video voyeurism, and abuse and neglect of elderly or disabled adult, additional charges of aggravated assault, and interception or disclosure of wired communications.

Internet users slam Jada Harris and Shy'Tiona Bishop for condemnable video

As news of the two healthcare workers abusing their elderly ward spread, netizens were quick to call out their deplorable behavior. They demanded severe punishment and a more severe bail bond.

A comment criticizing the act (Image via Twitter/@LifeInsGirl0527)
A comment criticizing the act (Image via Twitter/@LetsStopTheLies)
A comment criticizing the act (Image via Twitter/@wannatalk22)
A comment criticizing the act (Image via Twitter/@snatchsix50X)
A comment criticizing the act (Image via Twitter/@Joe3261966)
A comment criticizing the act (Image via Twitter/@Honet334)
A comment criticizing the act (Image via Twitter/@My_comments_R)
A comment criticizing the act (Image via Twitter/@ConservativesSo)
A comment criticizing the act (Image via Twitter/@TXNFirst1836)
A comment criticizing the act (Image via Twitter/@DavidAFoshee)

What did Jada Harris do?

Harris live-streamed four clips on her Snapchat.

In the first video, Jada Harris is seen holding up an adult diaper and stating that it was embarrassing. Shy'Tiona Bishop is seen pointing the camera toward the patient and Harris and stating, "Everyone is laughing."

In the second clip, an irritated Harris remarks:

"I don’t know why she is embarrassing me like that in front of all this people."

In the third post, both arrested healthcare workers locked themselves in the bathroom while the unattended patient banged on the door. Jada Harris is heard describing the elderly woman as, "psycho or something."

In the final video, the senior patient can be heard saying "Help me," while Harris and Bishop continue to mock and abuse her. Bishop responded with, "Ain’t no help you." Later, Jada Harris read aloud the comments of the people watching. One such comment read, "Lock her in the closet."

In his YouTube video, the Florida Sheriff remarked:

"It’s hard to imagine there are actually people in our world that would do this to somebody."

The bail bond for Jada Harris was set to $6000, and $4000 for Bishop. Both women have been released with a court date set for later this year.

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